[媒體剪貼簿] 世界新闻自由日
The Sound of Silence,by Simon and Garfunkel (點我:歌詞)
這首歌是Paul Simon在1964年寫的,他 與 Art Garfunkel所合唱。歌曲透過描寫一種關於大眾沈浸在沈默(盲目、壓制等象徵)之中的異象(Vision),來批判社會只知道盲目崇拜物質偶像(Neon god they made),不知道也不敢正視社會的真實面(例如地下鐵與廉價公寓中的窮人)。沈默變成一種聲音(sound of silence)讓大眾以為一切都還是正常。Paul Simon在美國社會正經歷如越戰、反種族歧視等社會動亂的年代寫這首歌,應該是希望社會能夠突破這些盲目與不合理的壓抑,而找到出路。
全球新闻自由排名第141 党团感丢脸要政府废恶法
促政府停止骚扰部落客 民行拟起草资讯自由法
Risks faced by journalists in europe 2 May 2008
On World Press Freedom Day, 3 May 2008, Reporters Without Borders publishes for the first time an investigation into violence against journalists within several countries of the European Union (EU)
There is genuine press freedom within the EU. No state has ordered the murder or imprisonment of a journalist and official censorship is a thing of the past. Media express a diversity of opinion and a pluralism of ideas is generally assured. But the situation is not perfect for all that.
全文見[Reporters without borders]
Malaysia's shameful ranking amongst the World's bottom 30% in Press Freedom | | | |
Freedom House's Global Press Freedom Ranking
Year Total Nation Malaysia's ranking Bottom
2008 195 141 28.21%
2007 195 150 23.59%
2006 195 141 28.21%
2005 194 151 22.68%
In Asia, Malaysia is constantly behind our poorer neighbours like Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, let alone richer democracies like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
全文見[Centre for Independence Journalism]
Malaysia - Annual report 2008
Widespread social and political demonstrati
ons prompted the authorities to harden their line towards the press. The internal security ministry, the bête noire of editorial offices, imposed censorship on the most sensitive issues. A journalist was physically assaulted for investigating leaders of an Indian community party, close to the government.
In the face of mounting criticism, the government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reacted with a crackdown. The internal security ministry, under the pretext of fighting incitement to racial hatred or insulting the king, set out to intimidate dissident voices, in particular bloggers. One minister threatened imprisonment against cyber-activis
ts who opened up an unprecedented area of freedom.
全文見[Reporters without Borders]
Media Indenpence SurveyAs one of the all day activities happening at the Annexe, CIJ will be running a poll on Malaysians' perception on media independence in the country. Collaborating with polling firm Merdeka Centre, this survey is a major project to gauge public understanding of media independence and to what degree they think it exists in the local media. We are looking at a sample size of 1500 people and that's why we want you to participate in it!
We just need 10 minutes from you to sit down, fill in the questionnaire and return the form to us. Your 10 minutes will contribute towards improving our work on media freedom!
全文見[World Press Freedom Day,Malaysia]
1 条评论:
找了一首The sound of silence.那天,她寄來了很久以前的信件,說起了她在媒體系曾經留下的痕跡。那一封信不小心觸發了我與傅科思的互動過程。種種回憶回到腦海,陷入一種無法擺脫的憂鬱......她傳來了這首歌作爲療傷。